Neighborhood Radio Watch

CERA founded the Neighborhood Radio Watch groups in El Dorado County to educate and promote safety in our communities by using radios to communicate.
Having a back up communications system is critical. We've seen a dramatic rise in the frequency and intensity of storms, fires, and power shutdowns – events that disrupt our vital communications services and place lives at risk. Over 50% of US homeowners and 70% of renters depend entirely upon cell-phones to stay in touch with our friends, our families, and emergency services.
CERA helps to prepare individuals and local communities with emergency communications in the event of disasters such as catastrophic wildfires by providing programs and services that enable access to radio equipment, training, practice, and other programs that promote community connection, cooperation, and action.
Our community radio goals include:

- Improving individual radio communication skills through enablement and practice
- Enhancing community resilience and safety through knowledge and training
- Increasing community reach and participation by partnering with like-minded organizations
- Protecting our families, communities, and visitors with awareness of available resources
Neighborhood Radio Watch Groups
Neighborhood Radio Watch Groups are informal groups intended for use by the general public so neighborhood residents have a means of staying in touch through the use of radios and a radio communications system to educate and prepare residents of a community on security and safety events and to help themselves when traditional communication methods fail or are not available.
CERA sponsors many of the Neighborhood Radio Watch Groups in El Dorado County and surrounding communities.
Communities with an established Neighborhood Radio Watch Groups usually have a Fire Safe Council for the same area. Fire Safe Councils and CERA are not affiliated and are set up as separate organizations that operate independently.
Neighborhood Radio Watch Group meetings are usually attended by CERA and Fire Safe Council members to share organizational announcements or to attend as interested private citizens of the neighborhood.
Members of the public are encouraged to join the Neighborhood Radio Watch group for their area.
NOTE: Neighborhood Radio Watch programs are NOT a replacement for emergency services such as Police, Fire, the Sheriff's Office or 911. NRW programs are intended solely as a backup communications solution for individuals in the community.